Marx and the Young Hegelians

Marx's philosophical views were forged in the intellectual ferment created by the Young Hegelian movement. The young radicals involved developed - or transformed - Hegel's philosophy into a series of progressive, humanist, republican, atheistical, socialist and ultimately communist positions. We will consider, amongst others, Ludwig Feuerbach's materialist humanism, Bruno Bauer's republican atheism, Moses Hess's ethical communism and Max Stirner's anarchistic individualism - as well as Marx's complex reactions to all these.

Course outline, by week:

  1. Hegelianism in the 1830s: right, left and centre.
  2. The critique of religion.
  3. The philosophy of the act.
  4. Republicanism and liberalism.
  5. Materialism and naturalism.
  6. Political economy and the critique of money.
  7. Socialism and communism.
  8. The challenge of individualism.
  9. Marx's critique of Young Hegelianism.
  10. Left Hegelianism today?
Background/preliminary reading: