Shahrar Ali Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Dr Ali has degrees in Biochemical Engineering (BEng), Philosophy (BA & MPhil), a PhD on A Theory of Intentional Deception and Lying and was recently awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (with distinction). He has published in applied philosophy on a range of topics, from ‘Everyday Risk and the Deliberate Release of Genetically Modified Crops’ in Ethical Issues in the New Genetics (Taylor & Francis, 2005) to ‘Is there a justifiable shoot-to-kill policy?’ in Discourses and Practices of Terrorism (Routledge, 2010, abstract) and authored popular books in green politics (Why Vote Green and Why Vote Green 2015). He has undertaken research in the European Parliament and taught at Hertfordshire, Anglia Ruskin and Birkbeck. E-mail Shahrar (shahrar[at] to enrol on his popular course on Moral Philosophy and Applied Ethics.
Keith Barrett Before receiving my first degree in philosophy from Oxford University, I spent three years working as a nursing assistant in psychiatric hospitals, and it was in this very practical context that I first encountered existentialism and psychoanalysis. This inspired me to undertake postgraduate studies on both Freud and Heidegger, leading finally to a PhD from the Wellcome Centre for the History of Medicine at UCL for a dissertation on ‘Freud’s Self-Analysis’. As a philosophy teacher, my main courses have been ‘Existentialism (Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Sartre)’; ‘Philosophy and Psychoanalysis (Freud, Jung, Klein, Winnicott, Lacan)’; ‘The Later Heidegger’; and ‘Philosophers of Otherness (Levinas, Girard, Ricoeur, Derrida)’. Having taught philosophy for more than 20 years, I am a firm believer in the potential for creativity of live group discussion. E-mail Keith (keith[at]
Sam Fremantle (BSc, MA, Phd) specialises in ethics and political philosophy. His first degree was Philosophy and Economics at the University of Bristol which was then followed by the MA in Political Philosophy (the idea of toleration) at the University of York. He completed his doctoral thesis on the subject of distributive justice at UCL. Those who are interested in reading it may download Reconstructing Rawls here. He has taught philosophy at Morley College, Lambeth and Birkbeck College, London and continues to work for the University of London’s International Programme Philosophy BA. He teaches at, and is is the founder of, the newly formed International School of Philosophy. E-mail Sam (sam[at]
Jane O’Grady did a BEd in English at Homerton College, Cambridge, and a BA in philosophy at University College London. Initially a secondary school English teacher, she became an Honorary Senior Visiting Fellow at City University, where she taught Philosophy of Psychology. She co-edited A Dictionary of Philosophical Quotations with A J Ayer, and writes philosophers’ obituaries for the Guardian, and articles and reviews for various newspapers, magazines and websites. Her Enlightenment Philosophy in a Nutshell (Arcturus Books) has just been published (January 2019). E-mail Jane (janeogrady101[at]
Anja Steinbauer (BA, MA, PhD) studied philosophy, sinology and history at the universities of Hamburg, Taiwan (NTNU) and London (SOAS and King’s College London). She has lectured in university and adult education philosophy since 1997 and co-initiated the country’s only Access to Philosophy programme, which she successfully ran for almost a decade. Anja is also founder and president of London’s vibrant philosophy organisation Philosophy For All, co-edits Philosophy Now magazine, and has appeared as a philosopher on radio and TV. E-mail Anja (anja[at]